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DEHLI rape case propaganda

* Whatever doctors learn, some day they implement it in their house jobs to do the practical. * Whatever school kids learn, they wish to apply it in their future. * Whatever parents teach their kids, they use it as a guide line for their practical life. * Whatever a fashion designer learns, he learns to implement it on the clothes. * Whatever a young boy watch in WWF, he’ll try it at home. If INDIAN MEDIA is educating their nation about Rape, Sexuality, Hatred etc. then what’s the point of standing against 1 Rape case? Where will your viewers implement their immense knowledge? And then we see those TV actors condemning the rape case who by their selves, promote sexuality on the screens. Holy cow! 
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Make a barrack OBAMA!

Make a barrack Obama!  Rescued their selves from the land of mountains and the men of honour. Recovered from the damaged guns and saved from the lions of barren. Rescued from the plans of their own. Rescued from their destiny. Retrieved from the crying prayers of oppressed, but how will they save from Allah Jalla Jalalahu! Landlocked Afghanistan, rocked Barrackistan! The producers of the Taliban aren’t happy by their performance. They have called for pack up ASAP, but there’s no Director except Allah, and HE knows what is better for the spectators. The character of the Taliban has impressed the whole world. There are three degrees of a verb; impressive, surprising and shocking. When America attacked Afghanistan, it was a horrible decision. Later on, transformed into worse and worst whereas Taliban encountered them in the right way which by the grace of Almighty Allah has now turned into better and best. Hence, it proved that Allah always deals in the superlative degree. The